7 DIC 2018
"There was a tree in Central Park that i wanted to film. I really liked that tree, and keep filming at the very beginning - when I began. And then i look on the viewer and it’s not the same. It’s just a tree standing there: It’s Boring.
And then I began filming the tree in little fragments: I fragmented; I condensed... and then you can see the wind in; then you can see some energy in it. Then it become something else. Ah, that’s more interesting! That’s my tree! That’s the tree that i like, not just a tree that is naturalistic and boring, not what i saw in that tree when i was looking.
I m trying to get why I’m looking at what I’m filming, why I’m filming it, and How I’m filming it.
The style reflects what I film... I’m trying to understand myself, what I do... I’m totally ignorant of what I’m doing".
Jonas Mekas.
Fotograma: Rose Lowder. Quidproquo.